Here's my second Kraftwerk show of the week...
KRAFTWERK Live at the Aragon Ballroom, Chicago, 19/4/75
1. Intro (0.25)
2. KlingKlang (cut) (2.05)
3. Ruckzuck (7.00)
4. Kometenmelodie (12.42)
5. Tanzmusik (5.04)
6. Autobahn Pt 1 (11.46)
7. Autobahn Pt 2 (11.01)
8. Mitternacht/Kristallo (7.15)
Lineage: 2nd or 3rd gen Maxwell ferric cassette > CDR > FLAC level 8> you!
I got this tape early in 1982 off a guy in Sweden. He said it was two generations (I suspect it may have been three) away from the master. The recording was not great to start with and the master got chewed up in the copying process (which accounts for the terrible wowing and fluttering at the beginning). Sound quality isn't great, but still perfectly listenable.
In 2000 I copied the Maxell ferric tape (then 19 years old!) he gave me from a Sony TC-K611S tape deck onto an audio CD via a Naim 62-160-Hi Cap system (cables were either Naim SNAICs or Chord Cobras). The CD recorder was the trusty Marantz DR700.I put this up because:
1)it's a very rare show
2) There aren't that many 1975 tapes in circulation
3)in 1975 the Werk were still improvising greatly so there's a lot of variety in terms of set lists and versions of individual songs
4) It's actually a pretty good performance!Anyway, sit back, download, don�t forget to seed and remember:
1. Do not distribute in lossy formats
2. Do not sell on eBay or anywhere else
3. Werkers of the world unite!More Kraftwerk soon!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: