KRAFTWERK (Huetter, Schneider, Bartos, Fluer) 1981-12-09 Alte Oper, Frankfurt, Germany (reseed)
(Huetter, Schneider, Bartos, Fluer)
(dec 09, 1981)
Alte Oper
Frankfurt, Germany
audience recording
note by DOINKER:
Here is another one of the tape trades I made with German pals while stationed in Wiesbaden in the US Air Force.
This time around, it's a 1:1 copy of the master of a really fine audience recording.
Kraftwerk were known for both changing song titles and lyrics to suit the nation where they performed.
To the best of my knowledge and correct me if I am wrong, they sold albums and performed in French and Japanese,
as well as in German and English. Therefore since the performance was in Germany, the titles listed below are from the original German.
This concert also features some early differences in vocals. In the song "Computerwelt", the phrase "den Zeit ist Geld" has been added.
That was later dropped in all performances. To those who don't understand any German, that could be translated in two fashions -
Literally: the time of the world of computers is all about money, and figuratively: that time IS about (gold) money.
cd1 56:38
01. Nummern/Numbers
02. Computerwelt/Computerworld
03. Metropolis
04. Das Model/The Model
05. Radioaktivitaet/Radioactivity
06. Computerliebe/Computer Love
07. Autobahn
08. Neonlicht/Neon Lights
09. Die Schaufensterpuppen/The Mannequins
cd2 30:38
01. Trans Europa Express
02. Taschenrechner/Pocket Calculator
03. Die Roboter/We Are The Robots
04. Heimcomputer/Home Computer
total time 87:16 min.
Ralf Huetter - minimoog, Vako orchestron, Farfisa professional piano
Florian Schneider-Esleben - Arp Odyssey, amplified flute, mixer
Karl Bartos - el.perc, vibraphone
Wolfgang Fluer - el.drums
cover artwork inside
1970: 'Tone Float' (as Organisation)
1970: 'Kraftwerk'
1971: 'Kraftwerk 2'
1973: 'Ralf Und Florian'
1974: 'Autobahn'
1975: 'Radio-Aktivit�t' (Radio-Activity)
1977: 'Trans Europa Express'
1978: 'Die Mensch-Maschine' (The Man-Machine)
1981: 'Computerwelt' (Computer World)
1986: 'Electric Caf�' (in 2009 title changed to 'Techno Pop')
1991: 'The Mix'
2003: 'Tour De France'
2005: 'Minimum-Maximum' (Live 2004: Warschau, Ljubljana, Riga, Moskau, Paris, Berlin, London, Budapest, San Francisco, Tokio, Tallinn)
2009: 'Der Katalog' (The Catalogue; album Boxset 1974-2003)
2012: 'Der Katalog' (2009 Remaster)
seeded by DOINKER on 31 Dec, 2010 as torrent #338110
re-seeded by FBAUER 2015-11-12
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: