Kraftwerk � Dynamo Deutschland
Label: Melodia Mekanika - Tontr�ger
Format: 2 � CD, Unofficial Release
Country: Germany
Released: 1998
Source: Soundboard
Artwork: Included
Dynamo Deutschland - Teil 1
1-01 Intro
1-02 Numbers
1-03 Computer World
1-04 It's More Fun To Compute-Home Computer
1-05 Computer Love
1-06 The Model
1-07 Tour De France
1-08 Autobahn
1-09 Radioactivity
1-10 Trans-Europe Express
1-11 Pocket Calculator
Dynamo Deutschland - Teil 2
2-01 The Robots
2-02 Musique Non-Stop
2-03 Numbers/Computer World
2-04 Metropolis
2-05 The Model
2-06 Computer Love
2-07 Pocket Calculator
2-08 Radioactivity
2-09 Neon Lights
2-10 Hall Of Mirrors
2-11 Showroom Dummies
Special Bonus Track:
2-12 Mini Calculateur (Original French 12" Version)*
*Not included in this torrent.
Disc 1 & Disc 2 (Tracks 01 & 02):
Soundboard-recording "Hummingbird", Birmingham (UK) 15th of July 1991.
Rating: 5 stars.
Disc 2:
Track 03 to 08: Soundboard-recording "Fresenburg", Utrecht (NL) 10th of December 1981.
Rating: 5 stars.
Track 09 to 11: Average Audience "Locarno", Bristol (UK) 30th of June 1981.
Rating: 3,5 stars.
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