Artist: Kraftwerk
Date: September 26, 2002
Venue: Cit� de la Musique
Town: Paris, France
Location: 1st row center left mezzanine (some sounds from the rear speakers can be heard on this recording especially E2000 and Tango)
Mics: Sony ECM-MS 907
Recorder: Sony DAT PCM-M1
Tape: JVC R-120XD
SPDIF Input Front Panel Creative FatalitY Soundcard using Magix Audio Cleaning Lab 20 to [24/48] Wav file
Tracks splits and Conversion to FLAC with Goldwave 6.10
The Band on Stage:
* Ralf H�tter
* Fritz Hilpert
* Henning Schmitz
* Florian Schneider
TT : 1h56mn
01- Meine Damen Und Herren
02- The Robots
03- Expo 2000
04- Home Computer
05- The Man Machine
06- Tour De France 1983
07- Autobahn
08- The Model
09- Neon Lights
10- Pocket Calculator
11- Athenwellen (Tango)
12- Sellafield 2 > Radioactivity
13- Trans-Europe Express > Abzug > Metal On Metal
14- Encore Break
15- Numbers > Computer World
16- Boing Boom Tschak > Techno Pop > Music Non Stop
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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