Koningin Elisabethzaal, Antwerp, Belgium
23rd May 2017 - Late Show
"Tour de France"
Tour: The Catalogue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Core Sound Binaural Microphone Set (Fixed Flat Response) -> Edirol R-09HR (44.1KHz / WAV 16 bit) ->
Cubase Pro 9/Izotope Ozone 7/Izotope Neutron/Freemake Audio Convertor/Traders Little Helper
Seated right hand side, halfway back in the stalls. Slightly clearer sound than that experienced on the previous night (see Electric Cafe). The highlight of the night for me was a great version of'Aerodynamik', the crowd picked up on the groove and the band ran with it for a bit before it ends with a sweeping flourish. The resulting rapturous applause prompted Ralf Hutter to acknowledge it and be a little bit more talkative for the rest of the concert.
D1 01 Introduction
D1 02 Numbers
D1 03 Computer World
D1 04 It's More Fun To Compute / Home Computer
D1 05 Computer Love
D1 06 Tour de France / Tour de France (2003)
D1 07 Vitamin
D1 08 Aerodynamik
D1 09 Elektro Kardiogramm
D1 10 La Forme
D1 11 Autobahn
D2 01 Geiger Counter / Radio-Activity
D2 02 Spacelab
D2 03 The Model
D2 04 The Man Machine
D2 05 Trans-Europe Express / Abzug / Metal On Metal
D2 06 The Robots
D2 07 Planet Of Visions
D2 08 Boing Boom Tschak
D2 09 Techno Pop
D2 10 Musique Non-Stop