
Trinity College
Dublin, Ireland
2023-06-29, June 29th 2023


Source: Edirol R-09 inbuilt mics @ 44khz/16bit WAV > CDWave (Splitting) > Foobar (FLAC conversion & ReplayGain Application)
Location: Centre, 8/10 rows back

Total Running time: 1hr 55mins 06secs [425mb]

01 - Numbers / Computer World
02 - It's More Fun to Compute / Home Computer
03 - Spacelab
04 - Airwaves / Tango
05 - The Man-Machine
06 - Electric Café
07 - Autobahn
08 - Computer Love
09 - The Model
10 - Neon Lights
11 - Radioactivity
12 - Tour de France 1983 / Prologue / Tour de France Étape 1 / Chrono / Tour de France Étape 2
13 - Trans Europe Express / Metal On Metal / Abzug
14 - The Robots
15 - Planet of Visions
16 - Boing Boom Tschak / Techno Pop / Music Non Stop



Kraftwerk always tend to tape pretty well no matter what equipment used due to their sound but the volume was all over the place for this performance. It ramped up from the first track towards Man Machine when I lowered the input volume as it was starting to peak. I applied ReplayGain rather than edit the master file so you can make your own edits if you want. ReplayGain ranges from -5db for Man-Machine to +10.5db for Neon Lights. Even after reducing input volume Radioactivity needed -4.5db.

This was an open air/outdoor show in the daylight so if you're allergic to recordings with a lot of talkers stay away. Crowd was very chatty including a couple of lads right behind me that you can clearly hear at the start of almost every track. Tried moving around but they somehow always ended up behind me, as they always do.

As always, this is best listened to on headphones and try not to disseminate in MP3 but I can't stop you if you do.

Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:
