Larry Coryell
Thursday, April 17, 2014 - Early Show
Dazzle Jazz, Denver
Source: Core Sound Binurals > battery box > Edirol r-09 24/44.1 > usb > dell inspiron notebook 1501 >
flac frontend level 6 encode files> usb > external hard drive > dvd files
Lineage: dvd files > Foobar2000 (dither/downsample) > Cool Edit Pro > CDWave > Flac/16
Recorded by Royboy
Transferred on September 4, 2014
Tagging: Flacs tagged with Foobar2000 Live Show Tagger and Cover / Photo added to Tags with MP3 Tag v2.49
Early Set:
01 - Introduction
02 - ?
03 - Joyful Reunion
04 - chatter
05 - Take Five
06 - A Day In The Life Of A Fool
07 - chatter
08 - Birks' Works
09 - band intros
10 - Dragon Gate +
11 - band intros
+ with Janine Santana - percussion
-Larry Coryell - guitar
-Paul Romaine - drums
-Chuck Lamb - piano
-Joe Anderies - saxophone, flute
-Bijoux Barbosa - bass
-- Two shows were played this evening. This is the early show.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: