Larry Keel Experience
Shenandoah River Festival
Brunswick Family Campground, Brunswick, MD
rec. info:
Neumann KM140 @ 8' > Edirol R4 (Busman mod) > patch to Sony PCM M10 @ 24/44.1
HDD > Audacity (normalization, fades, dither) > CDWave (tracking) > FLAC > MP3Tag
Fileset prepared/finished on 2014-06-15
01. soundcheck
02. instr.
03. Southern Nights
04. Little Miss Can't Be Wrong
05. Sweet Love
06. Memories
07. instr.
08. The Warrior
09. Love
10. Tennessee Jed
11. The Mark Vann Song
12. Harvest Time
13. will tune
14. The Mountain Song
15. instr.
16. Old Rattler
17. Ripcord
Larry Keel - guitar, vocals
Will Lee - banjo, vocals
Jenny Keel - bass, vocals
Thanks to Neil for the patch!
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