Larry Keel Experience
The Grey Eagle
Asheville, NC
source: Microtech Gefell M21 (dina) > Nbob actives > Naiant PFA > Sound Devices MixPre-6 + SBD > Sound Devices MixPre-6 @ 24/48
location: fob, dfc clamped in the sweet spot 8' high
transfer: SDHC > PC > wave agent > Wavelab 6.1 (gain, matrix, fades) > iZotope RX 7 (edits) > CD Wave > Wavelab 6.1 (crystal resampler, MBIT+ dither) > THL (flac 8) > Foobar (tags)
*16bit/44.1khz fileset*
recorded and transferred by Gordon Wilson
A Team Dirty South Recording
01. Intro
02. Time's Changin' >
03. Love
04. Ain't That Good News
05. One
06. Nose On The Grindstone
07. Runnin' Down a Dream > *
08. Little Green Man
09. The Warrior >
10. I'm On My Way Home Again
11. Lizard Lady
12. Internet
13. Ko Ko Joe
14. Whipping Post
15. Vampire Blues **
16. Night Flyer **
17. The Squirrel Hunters **
18. Instrumental ^
* w/ Mimi Naja (background vocals/mandolin)
** w/ Mimi Naja (vocals/mandolin), Jon Stickley (guitar), Lyndsay Pruett (fiddle)
^ just Larry
occasional distortion from PA (mostly vocals)
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: