Laurie Anderson
Berklee Performance Center
Boston Mass. USA
March 12, 1983
master audience recording
and 1 song live on David Letterman TV, October 30, 2001
runtime: 125:39 (minutes/ seconds)
track list:
1: New York social life 3:10
2: a curious phenomenon 5:57
3: Yankee see 11:15
4: the mountains 8:32
5: odd objects 10:23
6: Dr. Miller 7:09 (cuts, tape flip)
7: big science 13:13 (end spliced)
8: cello solo 2:41
9: she said > blue lagoon 14:13
10: 7:04
11: 2:59 (cuts, tape change)
12: 15:37
13: 12:50
14: 5:53 (end applause spliced)
15: 4:40 David Letterman oct 30, 2001
(tracking does not all correspond to song transitions)
1: New York social life
2: a curious phenomenon
3: Yankee see
4: the mountains
5: odd objects
6: Dr. Miller
7: big science
8: cello solo
9: she said
10: blue lagoon
11: hot head
12: stiff neck
13: telephone song
14: I no longer love your mouth
15: song for two Jims
16: over the river
17: mach 20
18: rising sun
19: the visitors
20: rising sun
21: the visitors
22: the stranger
23: classified
24: going somewhere?
25: fireworks
26: dog show
27: lighting out for the territories
Realistic twinhead stereo mike >
Sony WMD-6 cassette deck (dolby off) >
Maxell XLII 90 min. master cassettes >
(Letterman track, cable TV > XLII cassette >)
played on tascam 112 into soundforge (wav) >
flac (sb's aligned) > torrentially yours.
a this and that production.
thanks to CW for recording and sharing
digitized and posted by glasnostrd19 march 2015