Psychedelic Space Rock Festival
Scheune, Salzkotten, Germany
September - 27 - 2013
Act #1 of 4 (ca. 16:00 -> 17:40)
from SPACEBANDIT archives
Rec. Info:
OKM2r -> Zoom H2n (at WAV 16/44) -> SDcard -> HD -> Audacity (edit/remaster/Volume boost+balance) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded by dear MIROH at first row a bit left of dead center. Overall sound was quite uneven (thanks(?) to the mixer there), so had to do some surgery on this. A few chatters
are audible here and there, but nothing really disturbing. Sorry no pics at all, but most likely you will find on each band's facebook accounts. All thanks to the mighty great
taper of GESCHER, somewhere in western M�nsterland. Ups, and I almost forgot: The last half hour was taped by DEAF NATIVE SOUNDS, the brother of SPACEBANDIT, as MIROH had an
emergency liberation on the loo! So, this was his first recording in almost 10 years!
Right on, fellow lovers of the unknown spheres of musical evolution. Here's the first tape of four from that tiny little PSYCHEDELIC.SPACE.ROCK entitled one day festival in the
outskirts of - hell yeah - Westphalia! You might think that Salzkotten is not the centre of the universe, as you probably won't locate it via Google ect. maps. That's true. But
before you'll start any rocket to the outer realms, you don't tell them? Mouth propaganda is far better than the usual "Fazzebuch", which the world seems to be depending on...
So, the first band to start the festivities is a young band from Bochum/Oberhausen (all featured bands are from Germany!) plays a nice variety of spacerock with a very strong
progressive rock influence. Just have a look at the instruments played by this three piece and you might can image a bit about their sound. I can't find a real clue, but it sounds
a bit a mixture like JANE/ELOY combined with "softer" HAWKWIND. But you better listen for yourself. And now get the tape started. Enjoy! SB.
FULL SHOW (93:30 min.)
01. One way ticket (8:06)
02. Nacht der Lemuren III -> In Tenebris (18:05)
03. Nacht der Lemuren I (9:06)
04. Technical progress and other suicidal stuff -> Nacht der Lemuren II (11:48)
05. Silencia nova (9:25)
06. Omen III/IV (17:37)
07. Cage (12:40)
--- Encore ---
08. Sun (6:40)
Taped with permission by the band.
Support the band, go to their shows, buy all their merchandise.
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use. No lossy blog/tracker use! Flac rules!
If you sell...your soul might end up in endless dark space!
LE MUR are...
MATTHIAS GRAEF - vocals, guitar, saophone, organ, effects
GEORGIOS DOSIS - drums, percussion
md5 files attached.
Uploaded to DIME by SPACEBANDIT 2013/10/01.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: