Led Zeppelin
28 August 1970
Olympia Stadium, Detroit, USA
Audience recording
The original (www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-details.php?id=331301) was banned as it was not split into separate tracks. When I went to split it, the spectrum view of the wav file looked so bad, I felt obliged to edit it. Before and after pictures are attached. The left channel was way over normal levels, so, it being a mono recording, I copied the right channel to the left. The volume started out very high and gradually came to a good level and stayed there from the start of "Bring it on Home", so I faded it down accordingly. The orginal torrent had three parts - the show intro, the show, and the fans' discussion afterwards. I added the first part to the show and separated an intro track. The last track started in the show section, with a repeat shortly after the start - I reomoved the repetition and split it from the show after the tape was switched off and on again (it sounds as if the taper is walking out of the stadium, then it stops and starts again in a quiet room).
Many people won't want the edit, so I've put in two versions -
1. The raw wav file joined and split as decribed above
2. The edit with the right channel used on both sides and the volume adjusted for consistency.
The music/show itself could still use some tidying up!
Contrast clause - http://www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-details.php?id=331413 is a different edit (just beat me to it!)
unknown > master tape > cd > dime > flac > wav > cool edit pro > wav > flac
1. Introduction <1:46>
2. Immigrant Song <3:25>
3. Heartbreaker <6:42>
4. Dazed And Confused <17:23>
5. Bring It On Home <12:09>
6. That's The Way <6:16>
7. Fans' post-mortem of the show (in Spanish) <14:17>
Total time - 61:58
Thanks to lilioriverio for the original torrent, and frikiepalo for the artwork (which I've taken the liberty of amending)!
Original notes:
"My friend Luis Rey asked me to post this, until now only recording of this show. These are his own words:
"'From the start: "Turn ALL the lights down please"... the excitement is palpable. This little gem has taken a lot of perseverance and a long while to release (comes directly from the original source, friends from Mexico that taped it and has had it in their vaults for forty years!). It is not very often that we hear a completely new document from Led Zeppelin these days and what better place to post it than to DIME, free for everybody to share? DIME has been one of the greatest inspiration we music lovers have had in these last years.
"'This document is really priceless. By their own account: "We went to see Led Zeppelin, but when four scruffy bearded guys including one with a big mane (obviously Robert Plant) took to the stage and started to play a piece that we wouldn't recognize... they did not looked like the Zeppelin we knew and we thought they were "fake Zeppelin". We almost stop the tape. It is lucky that we left the tape running anyway and to our amazement suddenly they started to play something that we actually recognized as from Led Zeppelin... they WERE Led Zeppelin after all... !" That is the start of the account of this genuine experience of what Zeppelin was in 1970. Surprised everyone?
"'The recording is not what I can call great and it is only the first 45 minutes, but it is good enough to listen to the very powerful voice of Robert Plant (the guitar is overwhelmed by the bass regularly) and there is a lot distortion in one channel.
"'The track listing is what we can expect from the first 45 minutes of an August 70 concert: Immigrant Song, Heartbreaker, Dazed And Confused, Bring It On Home, That's The Way.
"'The original tape also included a rather hilarious (very dated) Mexican dialogue between the tapers that reflect well the time it was recorded... that actually wore a suit to go to the performance and were amazed by the hippies all around them... specially the chicks (in those ages called "tortas"), but the main thing is that they couldn't help but mainly falling in love with Page's hat and guitar playing, the bass player that "played in unison with Page's guitar" (weren't very impressed by the drummer) and obviously Robert Plant's powerful voice, his "degenerate" golden mane (that is a Mexican compliment at the time!) and his very worn jeans!
"'Maybe I'll be able to write the full chronicle soon... it deserves a new edition of Led Zeppelin Live. This is just a warm up!.
"'Without further ado, here's Led Zeppelin Live at the Olympia, Detroit, August 28 1970.
Luis Rey'"
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: