Led Zeppelin
Glasgow, Scotland
Greens Playhouse

Audience Recording
Unknown generation

1. Rock and Roll
2. Over The Hills and Far Away
3. Black Dog
4. Misty Mountain Hop
5. Since I've Been Loving You
6. Dancing Days
7. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
8. The Song Remains The Same
9. The Rain Song
10. Dazed and Confused
11. Stairway to Heaven
12. Whole Lotta Love
13. Heartbreaker

Brought to you by Jason Peterson

SBEs fixed w/ SHN tool, re-encoded to FLAC8 and torrented at R-O 2005.06.23 - jameskg

Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:
