Led Zeppelin 1973-01-15 soundboard
Trentham Gardens, Stoke, UK
Godfatherecords - Asenscion In The Wane - "Groovin In The Garden"

lineage - silver CD's > EAC wav > TLH flac 8

101 rock and roll
102 over the hills and far away
103 black dog
104 misty mountain hop
105 since I've been loving you
106 dancing days
107 bron-yr-aur stomp
108 the song remains the same
109 the rain song
201 dazed and confused
202 stairway to heaven
203 whole lotta love

art,ffp,md5,eac logs included
Images for this show:

LedZeppelin1973-01-15TrenthamGardensStokeUK (1).jpg
LedZeppelin1973-01-15TrenthamGardensStokeUK (2).jpg
LedZeppelin1973-01-15TrenthamGardensStokeUK (3).jpg
LedZeppelin1973-01-15TrenthamGardensStokeUK (4).jpg
LedZeppelin1973-01-15TrenthamGardensStokeUK (5).jpg