Led Zeppelin
April 3, 1977
The Myriad, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Title: Fucking T.Y.
Label: TAK 001/2/3 Tattytura 1995
Sound: listenable but distant audience recording
Artwork: Yes
Silver Cd's>Eac Secure Mode>Wav>Flac Frontend Level 8>Tested
CD 1: (75:21)
1) Introduction
2) The Song Remains the Same (muffled throughout)
3) The Rover intro./ Sick Again (muffled throughout, does clear up in the middle)
4) Nobody's Fault But Mine (muffled from middle to end)
5) In My Time of Dying (starts muffled, clears up, then muffled on and off for rest of song)
6) Since I've Been Loving You (muffled in a few locations)
7) No Quarter (muffled near beginning, slightly muffled during piano boogie section, slightly muffled during guitar section, muffled in places near end)
8) Ten Years Gone
CD 2: (61:24)
1) The Battle of Evermore
2) Going to California (recorder rustled around during the intro., the audience gets a little talkative in the middle)
3) Black Country Woman (either muffled or PA problems in the middle)
4) Bron-Yr-Stomp
5) White Summer/Black Mountainside
6) Kashmir
7) Out on the Tiles intro./ Moby Dick (slightly muffled throughout the drum solo)
CD 3: (63:07)
1) Guitar solo
2) Achilles Last Stand (sound brightens near the beginning (PA fixed?)
3) Stairway to Heaven (some paper rustling near the recorder at the beginning)
4) Rock & Roll
5) Trampled Underfoot
Tampa Stadium, Tampa, Florida, June 3, 1977
6) The Song Remains the Same
7) The Rover intro./ Sick Again
8) Nobody's Fault But Mine (severely muffled and rustled from middle to the end, small cut in the middle)
The sound quality of the audience tape from the Oklahoma show starts off mostly muffled and distant. Good at best. It is hard to determine if the muffled sound is the result of a faulty PA system or a poorly positioned recorder. The sound also brightens and dulls throughout the entire show. This may be attributed to adjustments made to the PA system. When the recording does clear up, the sound is very good. And for the most part, brighter. The instruments are well defined during these portions even though the recording is a little distant. A quieted audience lessens the distance by allowing better definition of the instrumentation. There is no noticeable tape hiss in either condition. The sound quality of tracks without notation after them fall into the very good category. The guitar solo preceding Achilles Last Stand does not include any anthems and is much shorter than later versions from this tour. Plant recalls before Stairway to Heaven the last time they were in Oklahoma (1970). The "experts" will disagree with Plant's recollection (1971 is their assertion). The Tampa material is from an excellent audience recording. There is very little noticeable tape hiss until the muffled portion of Nobody's Fault But Mine. Higher octaves reached by the band distort the recording slightly. During Nobody's Fault But Mine, the tape becomes muffled as the taper packs up his equipment. Unfortunately this tape source does not contain the announcements cancelling the show. (Brian Ingham May 96)
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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