Led Zeppelin - Like The Holy Land
The Kingdome, Seattle, WA, USA
July 17, 1977
Master Audience Recording (source #3)
Recorded by BB & DF
Transferred By: JEMS
this torrent is differents from:
http://www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-details.php?id=377839 /sbd GM Audio-DVD/
http://www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-details.php?id=323953 /sbd EVSD/
http://www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-details.php?id=305963 /sbd Tarantura2000/
http://www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-details.php?id=236514 /sbd mtx - fans release/
this is master audience recording
I really don't know where it was posted first and who was a first seeder but all thanks go to him.
this is almost original first post but i had to make some corrections for spliting it into 3 cds /i don't know why someone has split original recording into separate tracks in the middle of songs/. i've raised sound volume of all tracks about 7,5 dB. orginal recording has too low sound level. i've made simple covers for this version /a title taken from "plantation" at this show.
Notes from first seeder:
Excellent but boomy sounding recording. This is a brand new transfer done in Aug 2009 and is a major upgrade for this recording first circulated under the title floating on a sea of screams. This new transfer corrects a few issues with the old transfer, first the diginoise issues most prominent during Since I've Been Loving You are no longer present on this transfer, the azimuth was properly adjusted for this transfer and the speed runs correct. This is the only transfer that is diginoise free and the first time it is being circulated. This is a really nice and enjoyable recording that perfectly captures just how much of an event this show really was and grandiosity of it all. This show has gotten a bad rap throughout the years but this recording really does this show justice and shows just how important of an event this was for both the band and audience and puts it in it's proper perspective how things actually went down.
Lineage: Nakamichi mics > Sony portable cassette deck > Master Cassettes > Nakamichi 670 azimuth-adjusted playback deck > Wavelab 96/24 > Sox 44.1/16 > flac > HD > Easy CD-DA Extractor > WAV > Audacity (corrections) > Easy CD-DA Extractor > FLAC7
Artwork /my work/ included
CD 1
1. Intro
2. The Song Remains The Same
3. Sick Again
4. Nobody's Fault But Mine
5. Over The Hills And Far Away
6. Since I've Been Loving You
7. No Quarter
CD 2
1. Ten Years Gone
2. The Battle Of Evermore
3. Going To California
4. Black Country Woman
5. Bron-Yr-Aur Stomp
6. White Summer
7. Black Mountain Side
8. Kashmir
CD 3
1. Out On The Tiles / Moby Dick
2. Guitar Solo
3. Achilles Last Stand
4. Stairway To Heaven
5. Encore break
6. Whole Lotta Love
7. Rock And Roll
8. outro
Total time: 3h 32' 53"
Have a fun...M
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