Lee Scratch Perry
Cervantes Master Ballroom
Denver, CO
Source: DPA 4022 (ORFT)> Little Box Preamp > EdirolHR09 (24/96)
Location: FOB, DFC, 5 feet in back of mirror ball. ~25 feet from monitors.
Transfer: EdirolHR09 (24/96) wav > USB cable > PC
Editing: Wavelab plugins > Flac(16)
Recorded by Patrick H.
FLAC: 16/44.1 (2 channels)
Quality: 2/4 (18khz, ok, bass very boomy, overloaded, careful with speakers!)
Disc 1: (79:13)
Set 1:
01. ?? (SSS) (6:56)
02. ?? (SSS) (4:38)
03. ?? (SSS) (4:55)
04. Rightful Rule (SSS) (4:53)
05. Bed Athletes (SSS) (3:55)
06. ?? (9:07)
07. ?? (5:40)
08. ?? (6:58)
09. ?? (6:25)
10. ?? (7:03)
11. ?? (6:06)
12. ?? (2:54)
13. ?? (9:49)
Disc 2: (59:04)
Set 1 cont:
01. ?? (7:01)
02. ?? (5:55)
03. ?? (6:47)
04. ?? (7:44)
05. ?? (10:09)
06. ?? (6:58)
07. ?? (15:04)
Total: 2:18:57
Any corrections/updates on setlist appreciated.
Notes: This was a 3 band lineup.
Tantanka played first flowed by Rudie
Clash then LSP followed. Sub Atomic
Sound System opened with 4 songs
before being joined by LSP. LSP
also had a bass and conga player
with them.
Recording sound is ok. Sound
at the venue was bass heavy.
Crowd noise can be heard but
is minimal.
Performance: A
Sound Quality: B+/A-
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