Lenny Kravitz free concert at Boston City Plaza, Boston, MA, October 15, 1998, audience recording.
This was recorded with an Aiwa walkman-type cassette recorder, with a clip-on stereo mic. Maxell XLII went from JVC TD-5207 cassette deck into Denon DRA-25 receiver, which was lined into Zoom H2 from the headphone jack (RCA outputs on the deck cause major distortion issues, so the phone jack is cleaner sounding). Wav went by USB cable from H2 into PC. Wav went to Magix Music on CD & DVD. Magix was used to increase the volume level (not by a lot), make track markings, remove before and after show noise, and remove space from the tape flip. Wav then converted to flac with TLH. TLH was also used to replace the last track with a padded remake (SBE fixin'), to create ffp and md5 info, and to create the final torrent, as well as testing the torrent before uploading.
01 - intrumental intro
02 - Live
03 - crowd noise and technical issues
04 - Tunnel Vision
05 - Super Soul Fighter
06 - crowd noise
07 - Mr. Cab Driver
08 - crowd noise and Lenny speaks
09 - Let Love Rule
10 - crowd noise and Lenny speaks
11 - Are You Gonna Go My Way
12 - Fly Away
To me, the sound quality on this is all over the place. It is largely because of technical issues with a PA on the side of the stage I was standing at (my right, Lenny's left). When the show started, things seemed fine sonically, with the first two songs sounding pretty good. After "Live" ended, there was about a 3 minute period with no music, the occasional electronic buzz, and annoying (and annoyed) crowd commentary on the situation. Finally, "Tunnel Vision" started, and it seemed like the PA on our side was completely off, and whenever they'd experiment with it, more bad things would happen. That song sounds very muffled and bassy, at it's worst until a little before two minutes in. After that, it's pretty much the same all the way through, though you can detect that they're still screwing around with the PA throughout. It is a somewhat crunchy sounding tape, and it has a little of that atmospheric whoosh, but it has many moments of sounding like an outdoor concert on a nice day in Boston, and the instruments are all pretty clear. I'd give it a B, with leanings towards both B- and B+. I stopped the recorder just after "Mr. Cab Driver", but didn't flip (novice recording - I just wanted to look at the tape progress). I left that clunk in without editing. I did flip the tape after "Let Love Rule", and I smoothed out the transition a little (you can probably detect it). I should've made another crowd noise track after track 11, but I didn't - apologies.
As far as the show itself goes, I thought it was a solid performance, though I wish he could've played a few more songs. Actually, though, I'm lucky I saw him at all, and I'm lucky he could sing as well as he did. This show was sort of promotion for his show the next night at the Orpheum. Throughout this show, he made a few mentions of having a throat thing, and he ended up cancelling the Orpheum show. I hope someday somebody shares another capture of this show, preferably from somewhere far from where I was, just to get a different perspective of how it was supposed to sound. I attended the show with dimeuser Blak No1. Maybe he'll have something to add to this.
I have uploaded this show in the past, but it would've been from a cdr, which would've been similarly lined in from a cassette deck. This upload is largely because of a request, and it's not a reseed because I cannot locate my original copy from the torrent I made at that time.
Enjoy - try real hard not to sell or trade as lossy. Cheers!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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