Canadian radio promo interview pre-fm from CD; scans included.
First three tracks (track 1 on the CD) contain an interview by Bob Mackowycz; official music
has been deleted. Tracks 04 -> 17 each contain Mr. Cohen's reply, taken from the interview
text, to the appropriate question as given in the scan. This allows a radio personality (or
you!) to conduct their own interview. The interviewer repeatedly refers to Mr. Cohen as
'Leonard'. I know from personal experience that Mr. Cohen dislikes that.
The sound is not perfect. There is the occasional 'bubble' which is also found on the CD.
Excellent questions and very informative replies make this one of the very best Cohen
interviews. Enjoy.
Preparing this post also reminded me of what a superb album 'The Future' is. Get yours out
and have a listen then fill in the deletions. Or purchase it today!

LEONARD COHEN - 'The Future' Radio Special
unknown location and venue

01. -interview segment 1-
02. -interview segment 2-
03. -interview segment 3-
04. -> 17: -replies to questions-

promo CD -> EAC -> CEP (fade out, in official material) -> CDwave (track split) -> flac
frontend (level 8, verified, SBE correction enabled) -> maketorrent 2.1 (scans, info file, ffp,
MD5 included) -> DIME on 2009-11-27.

Please support Mr Cohen by purchasing official releases and attending tour performances:
Please pass on in a lossless format only in even trade or as a gift only.
Please do all possible to prevent the sale or auction of this recording.