Levon Helm and the RCO All-stars
Super Dome, New Orleans, LA
February 7, 1978
King Biscuit Flower Hour
Source: WNEW-FM > Cassette Master (TDK-SA)
Transfer: Sony TC-WE 475 > JVC XL-R2010 CD-RW (44.1)
Editing: Soundforge > Wav > TLH [SB's aligned] Flac level 8
Traders Den 4/4/17 - (BR series 143)
Transferred, tracked & pitch corrected by kingrue upload 1077
The set begins with the legendary DJ Wolfman Jack promising a mind blowing experience. They kick it off with infectious takes of "Ain't That A Lotta Love" and "Washer Woman" both with Helm handling the lead vocals. Dr. John then leads the group through "Mardis Gras Day," an anthem for street parades that features Howard Johnson's tuba and Helms bass drum leading the group into a joyous horn section rave-up.
Following introductions, they break into an excellent rendition of "The Weight," followed by a rockin' "Back To Memphis," two staples of Helm's earlier Band repertoire. Following "Milk Cow Boogie," they bring out Paul Butterfield, who leads the group through a romping "Born In Chicago," where they cook up an all-too-brief bluesy storm. This is followed by Fred Carter stepping up for a relaxed "The Mood I Was In." An old friend of Helm since his pre-Band Hawk days, Carter's voice sounds incredibly similar to Helm's and one would be hard-pressed to tell them apart. This brings up one of the many enjoyable aspects of this recording - the manner in which the guitars are mixed. With Fred Carter panned hard left and Steve Cropper hard right, one can easily distinguish them within the musical fray.
The show wraps up with a glorious version of the Band's "Ophelia," with the horns blazing and the group turning on the full Mardis Gras treatment. The crowd demands more and they return for a little more of the same, with "Goodnight Irene." This isn't any sleepy laid back rendition either. This is party music with a full-blown carnival atmosphere, no doubt leaving everyone in attendance feeling mighty fine about what they had just experienced.
I'm also including a jpeg scan of a newspaper article inside the torrent.
Levon Helm - Drums, Vocals
Paul Butterfield - Harmonica, Vocals
Fred Carter - Guitar, Vocals
Steve Cropper - Guitar
Donald Dunn - Bass
Dr. John - Piano, Guitar, Vocals
Howard Johnson - Tuba, Baritone Saxophone
Booker T. Jones - Organ
Tom Malone - Trombone
Lou Marini - Tenor Saxophone
Alan Rubin - Trumpet
01 King Biscuit & Wolfman Jack Introduction
02 Ain't That A Lotta Love
03 Washer Woman
04 Mardi Gras Day w/Band Intros
05 The Weight
06 Back To Memphis
07 Milk Cow Boogie
08 Born In Chicago
09 A Mood I Was In
10 Ophelia
11 Goodnight Irene
Total Time = 46:00 min
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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