Wylam Brewery
Palace of Arts, Exhibition Park, Newcastle-upon-Tyne UK.
Audience Recording
Artwork Included
Quality A
24 Bit 96Khz Version
Recorder 1
Time:84 Minutes.
Lineage TascamDR40>24 Bit-96Khz Internal Mikes>HD>Audacity>Dime
Recorded centre 18ft.from the front.
This is a 24bit 96hz recording that won't burn to a CD
unless converted to 16/44 which most burners do.
Raised the volume,numbered the tracks,cut out some chat and dead air and that's about it.
An evening gig that suddenly turned into a matinee,due to a football match
being on at the same time.I had visions of the lads playing later,and after an England goal being covered
in beer,mind you i wouldn't have minded.The venue decided to have the band on earlier,and charge the audience
to watch it later on the big screen (selling more beer-of course) since sold out. I believe it's called an event.
First matinee i'd been to since The Police in 1980,and the only other one was David Bowie Ziggy tour in 73'
I feel a bit sorry for those that travelled a fair distance to see the gig-no refunds.Football comes first.
Nearly didn't make it myself,being at work on the day,had to start a few hours earlier. And Sir Les' taxi service
kindly picked me up (Thanks again Les) Then we can all watch the football and get covered in beer.
ROD CLEMENTS (1969-present) Vocal, mandolin, fiddle, guitars
DAVE HULL-DENHOLM (1994-present) Vocal, guitars, keyboards, harmonica
STEVE DAGGETT (1986-present) Vocal, keyboards, guitars,harmonica
IAN THOMSON (1995-present) Bass, vocal
1 No Time To Lose
2 Squire
3 Statues & Liberties
4 Lady Eleanor
5 Train In G Major
6 All Fall Down
7 Anyway The Wind Blows
8 Walk A Crooked Mile
9 January Song
10 Passing Ghosts
11 Dingly Dell
12 Winter Song
13 We Can Swing Together
14 Fog on the Tyne
15 Meet Me on the Corner
16 Run For Home
17 Clear White Light.Part II
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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