Liver Down the River
Animas City Theatre
Durango, Colorado
November 7th, 2015
Source 1- Soundboard
Source 2- Two TOA K2 cardioid mics, X-Y pattern at 8 feet high in soundboard booth
Recorder- Tascam DR-60D @24/48
Processing- SD card > PC > r8brain > 16/48 > Audacity > Traders Little Helper FLAC 8
Recorded and processed by billydee
One set
01- Tuning and Band Intros
02- Mt. Hood
03- Freeborn Man
04- Funk Jam > Tell It To Me
05- Cherokee Shuffle
06- Jam >
07- Salt Spring
08- Life You Love
Very special thanks to house engineer James Mirabal for his fine mixing skills, support and technical assistance. And special thanks to Eugene Salaz and his staff at Durango Massive Productions, and to James Servin at Mountain View Artists.
Check out Liver Down the River's websites and go see them when they play live near you!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: