Long Distance Calling
Freak Valley Festival 2013
AWO Park, Netphen, Germany
May - 30 - 2013
First day / Act # 4 (22:30 - 0:10)
It's a SPACEBANDIT, so you're in there!
Rec. Info:
OKM2R mics -> Zoom H2n (at WAV 16/44) -> SDcard -> HD -> Audacity (edit/remaster) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded by yours truly at front row almost dead center, within the beauty of perfect taping heaven, if there wasn't....hmm, the awful chatty crowd, and the "Yeah" guy close to my left.
Without dismissing this friendly person, a few less of those hundrets of those "yeahs" would be ok with me. Anyway, got the setlist from him, so I don't bother that much. He seems to be
very close to the band, as they even dedicated a song for him. This guy was just alright. What I did not like where the serious kicks to my ankles, as I was leaning over the barricades,
to get you and me a proper sound. Some stupid humans (?) mistook me as a kind of lazy human beanbag, so they tried to remove me. And no Taper Police for the rescue....
There are some nice pictures from the camera that could not lie, of course, by dear LORD DIE, included here.
First of all I'd like to express my deepest thanks to all those organizers/volunteers/security people who made this second edition of FREAK VALLEY possible. Thank you very very much,
as last year, despite the difficult weather conditions, it was a place felt like home. Also, a big thanks to the entrance guy who let us park/sleep on the usual ground, just a mere 100
meters walk to the stage. Refreshing "batteries" between acts is a very important thing. And the four of our gang did not leave a ciggy trace there on sundaze morning.
Second thanks to my taping buddies, BLUESHACKS and MIROH, for lifting the burden of ongoing taping day for day from me. YOU both guys did the really hard work, whereas me poor little
soul just managed to do a few of the acts. I wasn't in really good condition, but was I really ever into that? So, when the water went dry (a joke I shouldn't do, regarding the flood
desaster in southern/easter Germany, or Czechia/Poland), there was a great friend of mine, Mr. RENDEL to his advanced service. Hands down, he might give you the best tapes from this.
Oh, well, on a personal note: This festival was visited by a mostly younger crowd, and all the tapers there were at least 44+ of age. Hmmm...that's me. Hmmm...where are the rookies?
The last band from first day at lovely FREAK VALLEY FESTIVAL 2013, and one I was eager to see them. Even more, as they come from my home area, the M�nsterland, and somehow I missed any all
possibilties to watch/enjoy a show of them. After this show here, I think, "Things'll never be the same" (quote Spacemen3). During the show I first thought that they were just some kinda
ripoff from the great MY SLEEPING KARMA, without the indian influences. Nope, they were not. Even if their approach is mor heavy metal rock style, the overall sound is a stew of different
styles, somewhere between the former mention styles, a lot of so-called "Postrock", and, of course, a lot of SPACEROCK. Hmm, might be someday I'll figure out, what they really are doing,
but I really enjoyed this show. And I hope, you do as well??!...Get into the groove, and let your soul flow...SB.
FULL SHOW (100:21 min.)
01. Soundcheck/Ansage (6:30)
02. Into the black wide open (8:12)
03. Inside the flood (7:15)
04. The figrin d'an boogie (7:10)
05. Nucleus (7:30)
06. Tell the end (8:31)
07. I know you Stanley Milgram (9:10)
08. Ductus (7:07)
09. Black paper planes (7:42)
10. Fire in the mountain (8:19)
11. Metulsky curse revisited (6:50)
12. Aurora (9:28)
13. Arecibo (6:29)
setlist is a bit mixed up from the "written" one I've received via MIROH. Hope I got everything well..
The usual facebook site as well...
Support the artists, go to their shows, buy all their merchandise!
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use. No lossy blog/tracker use.
If you sell...even M�nsterland got some nice places for your decompsing...
Sorry, no real details about the lineup, but after the next show I'm gonna see, I will know better...
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2013/06/12.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: