Great American Music Hall
San Francisco CA
Taper: thehappyone
Equipment: Sound Professionals SP-CMC-4U > SP-SPSB-8 > Olympus LS-5
Location: Immediately in front of frontman Robert Hampson, adjacent to
both his monitor and the stage right speaker stack, and underneath the
Shot With a Diamond (Taped Intro)
The Nail Will Burn
Straight to Your Heart
Fever Knife
Burning World
Breathe Into Me
Mother Sky
(CAN cover)
Total 80:01
(this should fit on a single CD these days, if not just fade the end earlier)
I think this is a fantastic recording, but I may be slightly biased. Due to my positioning,
I ended up having to transform this from mid-side encoded to stereo.
Wasn't some of my friends' cup of tea, one quote was "I remembered why I didn't like them
back in the day." Others (and myself) stood there, captivated, transfixed, eyes closed,
letting the overall sound wash through, like waves breaking on shore, pounding over and
over and over and over in a...
Unfortunately, at a cost.
Ended up having the hearing my left ear pretty much shot afterwards, it's still ringing a bit
as I type this nearly two days later. I was going to write something about how Loop was
tremendous live and it's great to finally see them, but instead I'm going to raise awareness
that most of us are granted hearing only once, and that permanent hearing damage can result
without wearing adequate protection, given I was right up front. There's a reason why musicians
onstage wear them. So, kids, go here and pick up a pair or two of these:
Actually, I will say that given a lot of acts I've seen tend towards psychedelica, it's good
to have their mix of psych/shoegaze/noise back in play, as this Quietus article states:
I also have a video, but not sure if it was even pointed at the band most of the time.
Look for a forthcoming comment in a couple of days...
* Do Not Sell Or Otherwise Leverage For Material Gain
* Transcode To Whateover Format You Wish (Keep It Lossless On Dime Of Course)
* Feel Free To Blog About This To Kingdom Come, But If Sharing The Recording,
Keep This Message Along With You Post
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
Loop2014-05-09GreatAmericanMusicHallSanFranciscoCA (19).jpg
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