Los Lobos 07-Jul-87
The Casino, Montreux Switzerland
"21st Montreux Jazz Festival"
***FOR TRADE ONLY***Please Do Not encode to MP3
Source for all of show except last two songs (see below for more info):
Master: FM (Swiss Radio DRS 3)>FM Tuner (Revox B760)>Reel Master (Revox A77 - on Revox 671 tape @3.75ips with no dolby)
Reel>CDR Transfer: Reel Master (Revox A77 @3.75ips)>SBM>DAT@44.1kHz (Sony DTC-60ES)>Coax>CDR (Marantz CDR-630)
CDR>SHN Transfer: CDR (Teac CD-224E)>EAC (v.0.9b3)("Copy Range" mode to recombine tracks)>Sound Forge (v. 6.0)(splicing, fading)>(CDWAV (v.1.71)>WAV>mkwACT (v.0.97b1)>SHN
Mastered and Reel>CDR Transfer by Hanspeter Millischer
CDR>SHN Transfer by Dan Gale (dgale@loslobos.org)
1. Introduction 0:32
2. Evangeline 2:39
3. Why Do You Do? 3:37
4. Tears of God 3:45
5. Will The Wolf Survive? 3:55
6. Is This All There Is? 6:02
7. Anselma 2:57
8. I Got To Let You Know 3:10
9. One Time, One Night 4:37
10. My Baby's Gone 3:17
11. All I Wanted To Dance 4:08
12. Let's Say Goodnight 4:02
13. Serenata Norte?a 3:22
14. I Got Loaded 3:08
15. Shakin' Shakin' Shakes 3:40
16. Set Me Free (Rosa Lee) 3:47
17. Don't Worry Baby 3:43
18. Comments by Radio Host 1:49
19. Prenda Del Alma 3:43
20. La Bamba 4:15
21. Comments by Radio Host 2:01
22. I'm Gonna Be a Wheel Someday 2:53
23. Comments by Radio Host 1:03
The last two songs were missing from the above source and were spliced in from the following source:
FM>??>Cassette>SBM>DAT @48kHz (PCM-R500)>VXPocket v2>Sound Forge (v. 6.0)(48>44.1kHz resample, normalizing)>WAV
I received the entire show on cassette several years back from Glenn Steinkamp with no known information on the source or generation of the cassette. Glenn sent me his cassette copy and I transfered it to DAT. The last two songs from this source were transfered to WAV and spliced into the above source to create a complete version of the show. The cassette version is inferior in quality and had to be normalized to match the level of the reel version. While the splice is relatively seemless, the change in quality is detectable and occurs right after the end of "Prenda Del Alma".
Sector boundaries verified with shntool (v.1.01)
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: