Los Lobos
Fremont Theatre
San Luis Obispo, CA
Nakamichi CM-300's w/CP-1 Cardioid Capsules >Sony WM-D6C Cassette (No NR) >CDR >FLAC
Cass Master (TDK SA-90s) Transferred: Sony TC-D5M >HHb CDR 800 PRO,
CD Masters >Audacity (Minor Edits) >FLAC (Level 8) + Tags Via xACT 2.37
Recorded, Transferred, FLAC’d, & Tagged By OldNeumanntapr
Recorded Front Row, Extreme Left, Directly In Front Of Left PA Stack.
Disc I:
01. Intro*
02. Shakin' Shakin' Shakes
03. Evangeline
04. Dream In Blue >
05. Wake Up Dolores
06. I Can't Understand
07. Will The Wolf Survive?
08. Reva's House
09. Angels With Dirty Faces
10. Ay Te Dejo En San Antonio
11. Soy Mexico Americano
12. Kiko And The Lavender Moon
13. Let's Say Goodnight
Disc II:
01. Come On, Let's Go
02. Wicked Rain
03. Two Janes
04. Anselma
05. Carabina .30-.30
06. Peace
07. Don't Worry Baby
08. That Train Don't Stop Here
09. Georgia Slop
10. Emily //
11. I Walk Alone
12. Bertha
The Historic Fremont (Movie) Theater Was Built In 1942
*Intro By Lady Tie Die And Carol Jo From KOTR FM
Tom Ball Abd Kenny Sultan Opened
OldNeumanntapr Notes-
I remember this show Well! It was the first time that I had seen Los Lobos and I got a free ticket at the very last minute. The guy who did PR for the company that I worked for had some free tickets because we were a sponsor of the show. I asked him for one on the day of the show at work. He gave me hell for waiting for the last minute to request a ticket and said not to hold my breath. At the end of the day he came to me and tossed me a ticket on my desk and said, 'Here you are. It's front row but...' But what? I asked. 'It's all the way on the side', he said. 'Right in front of the left PA stack.' I smiled and said that wouldn't be a problem! I rushed home after work and quickly gathered my Nakamichi CM-300s and my Sony D6 and headed to the show. I missed the opening band which was Tom Ball & Kenny Sultan because I had to go all the way home to pick up my recording equipment. Interestingly enough, that was the day that a semi truck loaded with VERY toxic jet fuel bound for Vandenberg Air Force Base broke down on the Cuesta grade so they had the 101 freeway shut down over the grade. I had to detour though Morro Bay to get home. I wasn't sure how Los Lobos felt about live taping. This was in the days before the internet so you couldn't just check a web page. I was pretty sure the theater wouldn't like it so I decided to play it safe. I set up the mics in the bathroom and then went to find my seat. The Fremont is an old Art-Deco-styled movie theater dating back to WWII. It has 1000 seats and is very ornate, with lots of neon and a high marquee outside. Inside it has a Huge old-fashion lobby and tapestries on the walls. The ceiling of the theater is festooned with an inset of what looks to me like a bird's head and beak. I've been seeing movies in that theater since 1977 and it's a favorite. Previously, there have only been a few bands that have played there in the history of the theater. Bonnie Raitt played there in 1983. Los Lobos played there twice, this show and once in '95. I liked the '92 show better. The band Yes also played there in the mid 90s. (Currently two different concert promoters have been utilizing the Fremont for live shows.) My audience master sounds like a board tape because I was literally 4 feet from the left PA stack. I ran the Nakamichis in a levi jacket that had holes cut into the bottom of the front pockets so that only the capsules would stick out. The D6 I ran in a hip pack. This was my standard set up for shows at this time. I had really long hair then that I would use to cover the end of the mics with so they couldn't be seen. There was a Cal Poly athlete security guard sitting in a folding chair not too far from me so I couldn't really monitor my deck. When I felt the D6 shut off in the middle of a song (much sadness) I had to get up and walk back up the aisle to an empty seat to flip the tape without being seen. Ah but the struggles that we had to endure before going DAT!!! So as a result, the end of ‘Emily’ is cut. The band was really tight and the sound was awesome. They were really enthusiastic to be playing there and they did a lot of interesting and what I found out later to be rare songs. I recorded the Los Lobos show at the Fremont in '95 but that show was SO LOUD that I had some clipping problems with the Nyquist omni mics that I had used. I think the '92 was a much better show, both sonically and musically.
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