Los Lobos
Musikfest Cafe, Artsquest Center, Bethlehem, PA
June 08, 2014
Source: Studio Projects C4s (cards) [set @ -10 dB] > Tascam DR-40 (low cut filter @ 40 Hz) > wav (16/44.1)
Transfer: wav (16/44.1) > Audacity 1.3 (normalize to 0 dB *, trim, fades) > CD Wave Editor 1.89 (track splits) > FLAC
Location: 25 ft from stage, 7 ft high, approx 8 right of center, pointed upward at stacks.
by tom
01 crowd > One Time One Night
02 Shakin' Shakin' Shakes
03 Evangeline
04 Chuco's Cumbia
05 Tin Can Trust
06 That Train Don't Stop Here
07 Tears Of God
08 Cumbia Razza
09 Just A Man
10 Come On, Let's Go
11 Set Me Free (Rosa Lee)
12 Kiko And The Lavender Moon
13 How Much Can I Do?
14 Soy Mexicano Americano
15 jam > Don't Worry Baby >
16 Mas Y Mas
17 crowd
18 Not Fade Away >
19 Bertha
David Hidalgo: guitar, accordion
Louie Perez: guitar, drums [I didn't notice when Louie moved to drums but he definitely played on Soy Mexicano Americano]
Cesar Rosas: guitar
Conrad Lozano: bass
Steve: sax, keyboards
Bugs Gonzalez: drums
Great show as always.
Technical Notes
As I was a bit off to one side, there was a volume difference between the channels. I normalized the complete raw wave file of the show to bring the channels to the same level.
Steve had a few technical problems. Eventually, they changed out his sax microphone.
Gratitude Section
To Los Lobos, for 40 years of great music & great people. www.loslobos.org
To Mando, great job on the soundboard.
To Dan Gale, for his work on the excellent "One Time, One Night" archive site. http://loslobos.setlist.com/
Additional thanks to Dan & Mando for getting my gear into the venue with no issues.
To the staff at Artsquest for their cooperation. www.artsquest.org
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: