Band: Lou Reed
Venue: Roskilde Festival
City: Roskilde
Country: Denmark
Date: June 30 1984
Source: FM Swedish Radio P3

Lineage: FM > Tape Maxell UD 90 > Sansui D-X119W Tapedeck > Philips standalone CD burner CDR777 > CDR > EAC "Secure Mode" > Wave > Traders Little Helper > Flac 6

Soundquality: IŽd rate this one 9,5 - 10 out of 10.

***** After the latest Alarm uploads here on Dime I got some requests for the other bands I taped from the radiobroadcast

from the 1984 Roskilde Festival.

I also have it on VHS somewhere.

Amazing performance by the band that I was lucky enough to attend.

My first and to this day only visit to the Roskilde Festival.

This is the complete Radio broadcast but not the complete concert. The TV Broadcast s a bit longer, 45 minutes.

Enjoy *****


1. Betrayed (Cuts in)
2. Doin' the Things That We Want To
3. Waves of Fear
4. I Love You Suzanne
5. White Light/White Heat
6. Kill Your Sons
7. Rock and Roll

***** And please donŽt share this one in any lossy format. *****

Enjoy !!!!!!!!!


My list of shows can be found here. Please feel free to let me know if thereŽs anything youŽd like me to upload here: