LOU REED 1986 FM radio interview/phone-in compilation NO MUSIC CONTENT
A few radio interviews and phone-in shows from 1986. All FM broadcasts, so quality is fine. This is Lou in full "radio-friendly" mode, happily answering the most banal of questions from callers who barely know him or his music. But there are also some really interesting interchanges and Lou seems happy to talk very openly about all stages of his career. (I think this is the first time I've ever heard him actually admitting that he himself is the subject of "Rock And Roll"). The Amnesty Tour Special is (predictably) more serious in nature. I've included scans of a range of contemporary RCA promotional material.
I've tried to sympathetically edit out all the "officially released" and non-Lou Reed related material which was aired during these radio shows.
01: 1986-04-22 Westwood 1 Radio Network "Line 1" Show: Lou talks to Sky Daniels and Carol Miller 25.23
(officially released songs removed: No Money Down, Sally Can't Dance, Walk On The Wild Side, Sweet Jane, I Love You Suzanne, Mistrial)
02: 1986-05-26 Rockline: Lou talks to Bob Cockburn 22.24
(officially released songs removed: No Money Down, Walk On The Wild Side, Mistrial, I Love You Suzanne)
03: 1986-06-02 Westwood 1 Radio Network "Line 1" Show: Amnesty Tour Special with Sky Daniels 11.55
lineage: various trade cassettes - Pioneer CT-S670D player - wav - flac (level 8) - you
original recording engineers unknown
transferred to wav August 2014 by lurid_uk
uploaded to Dime August 2014 by lurid_uk
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