Lou Reed
September 24, 1998
TV or FM
Lou Reed played a free show in Barcelona on Septemeber 24th, 1998.
The show was open air, in front of the old Barcelona cathedral. Lou
Reed played acoustic guitar in several songs. The sound was bad for
the audience, buta local radio/TV show succeded at getting a better
sound access. This is a transfer of the TV/Radio broadcast with
minimal edit using Sound Forge.
Set list:
1- Sweet Jane
2- I'll Be Your Mirror
3- The Kids
4- Perfect Day
5- Vicious
6- Kicks
7- Street Hassle
8- NYC Man
9- Turning Time Around
10-Talking Book
11- Set The Twilight Reeling
12- Future Farmers Of America
13- Legendary Hearts
14- New Sensations
15- Riptide
16- Dirty Blvd.
17- Satellite Of Love
18- Walk On The Wild Side
Total time: 93:05
Re-seed notes:
Took the description left in the bot as the info file just had date and setlist.
Corrected a few mistakes in the setlist.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: