Loudon Wainwright III
McCabe's Guitar Shop
Santa Monica, CA
February 15, 1985
From Master

Downloads as: lw31985-02-15.aiwa.thenewguy.xxxxx.sbeok.flac16

LW3 -> Aiwa -> M-Audio 2496 -> Audition 1.5 -> .wav -> CD-WAV -> Flac

I forgot the names of a couple of the songs, and lyric searching on the web
has become such a pain in the ass with popups, audio-clips and cookies I had
to give up...

1 We're Gonna Move
2 One Man Guy
3 I'm Alright
4 Happy Birthday Martha
5 Colours (The Shit On The Streets of Our Town)
6 I Want To Be On MTV
7 (?)
8 You Don't Call Me Darling, Darling (?)
9 Synchronicity
10 Westchester County (aborted)
11 Mr. Guilty
12 Expatriate
13 April Fool's Day Morn
14 Tuning
15 Out Of This World
16 Surfing Queen
17 (?)
18 Career Moves (?)

Upped to Dime by The New Guy on September 9, 2007