Loudon Wainwright III

Amsterdam, Kleine Komedie, April 25, 1986

My tape is a copy from the master audience recording.
Further Lineage: Sony TC-WE475 -> wav (audacity) -> flac (level 8) (tlh)

Quality indication: VG+

Funny comments from Loudon to the taper. And the woman close to the
taper certainly adds to my enjoyment of the show.

Loudon Wainwright III and John Hiatt were together on tour and
John used to introduce Loudon (as on this recording) and vice versa.
The last two songs are by Loudon joining John Hiatt for the encore
of John's show.
(I see the question coming: no, I don't have the John Hiatt show).


01 Home stretch
02 One man guy
03 I'm alright
04 Plane, too
05 Colours
06 Golfin' blues
07 Screaming issue
08 Mr. Guilty
09 Unrequited to the nth degree
10 Expatriate
11 I wish it was me doing it to you
12 April fools day morn
13 Your mother and I
14 Surfin' queen
15 School days
16 The man who coulsn't cry
17 Clockwork Chartreuse
18 A hard day on the planet
19 Career moves
== Encore of John Hiatt set:
20 Come a long way
21 At the end of a lonely day

It'll all fit nicely on one CD