The celebration of Loudon's 50th birthday; wonderful music and entertanment and a great pleasure to prepare. Thanks and appreciation are owed the recordist, simonM, for the fine source recording. The torrent has applause in balance, many talk and some music levels raised, and hoots, etc. removed or reduced. It is a fresh transfer from my clone and therefore will differ from previous versions of this performance, if any.

Faults: Usual audience interference; also unobtrusive bar sounds, infant sounds. Some hoots, though reduced, remain annoying.

Amagansett, NY -- The Stephen Talkhouse
1996-09-06 -- 121:50

01. -host intro-
02. -talk-
03. The Birthday Present
04. -talk-
05. Bein' a Dad
06. -talk-
07. That Hospital
08. -talk-
09. The Shit Song
10. -talk-
11. The Picture
12. -talk-
13. The Swimming Song
14. -talk-
15. The Doctor
16. -talk-
17. Westchester County
18. -talk-
19. Carolina
20. -talk-
21. Five Years Old
22. -talk-
23. Father / Daughter Dialogue
24. -talk-
25. Door
26. -talk-
27. Tonya's Twirls
28. A Year
29. -talk-
30. Screaming Issue
31. -talk-
32 Screaming Issue
33. -talk-
34. Fair and Tender Ladies
35. -talk-
36. I'm Alright
37. -talk-
38. Underwear
39. -talk-
40. Go, Leave
41. -talk-
42. A Father and a Son
43. -talk-
44. Happy Birthday
45. -talk-
46. April Fools
47. -talk-
48. Your Mother and I
49. -talk-
50. Unhappy Anniversary
51. -talk-
52. At the End of a Long Lonely Day
53. -talk-
54. -encore applause-
55. -talk-
56. Happy Birthday
57. -talk-
58. Dead Skunk

note: Loudon's 50th Birthday Party
t01: Darrick Graham; includes rectation
t03, 19: recitation
t30: false start

songwriter: Loudon Wainwright III, except
t19: by Peter Fallon
t25: by Martha Wainwright
t30: with Terry Roche
t34: traditional
t40: by Kate McGarrigle
t46: by Rufus Wainwright

Loudon Wainwright III - vocals, acoustic guitar
t11 > 17, 50, 52: David Mansfield - violin
t13 > 17, 50, 52: David Nichtern - electric guitar
t13 > 17, 50, 52: Chaim Tannenbaum - harmony vocals, mandolin
t19: Peter Fallon - recitation
t23: Martha Wainwright - shared lead vocals
t25: Martha Wainwright - vocals, acoustic guitar
t30, 32: Suzzy Roche - harmony vocals
t30, 32: Terry Roche - duet vocals
t34: George Gerdes - vocals, acoustic guitar
t40: Kate McGarrigle - vocals, acoustic guitar
t44: Rufus Wainwright - vocals
t46: Rufus Wainwright - vocals, Martha Wainwright - acoustic guitar, harmony vocals
t58: with ensemble

No artwork.

Source: DAT master (16bits/48khz) > my clone
Transferred by stevemtl: DAT > Sony PCM-R500 > Roland R44 > SD chip > my fingers > slot on computer > HD
Mastered by stevemtl: HD > Sound Forge (L2 dither > 24/48: L2 overall level adjust, edit, L2 talk, music, and applause level adjust, fades) > r8brain (vhq downsample > 24/44.1) > Sound Forge (L2 dither > 16/44.1) > CDwave (track cut) > TLH (flac level 8, ffp, md5) > TLH (torrent marker)
Circulated by stevemtl: Torrent marker uploaded to DIME on 2022-09-18.

Support Loudon Wainwright III by attending gigs and by purchasing official releases and merchandise.
Please pass on in a lossless format only; reserve mp3 and other degrades for your own use exclusively.
Do not sell this recording or profit in any other material way from it.