The Amphitheatre, West Palm Beach, FL 50:17
Lineage : Sony ECM717(mic)->Sony MZN707(mini disc)->
Sony MXD-D40(home unit) ->Harddrive -> CDwav -> CDR
- Opening for Neil Young & Crazy Horse -
1. Drunken Angel 4:12
2. Ventura 4:56
3. Those Three Days 5:20
4. I Lost It 4:23
5. Overtime 4:04
6. - band intro - :42
7. Righteously 5:04
8. Change The Locks 4:22
9. Essence 6:09
10. Real Live Bleeding Fingers and Broken Guitar Strings 5:04
11. Joy 5:55
- ticket stub & venue pics, sorry no artwork this time -
This was my first time seeing Lucinda. I was there for the opening night
of Neil Young's Electic Greendale tour with Crazy Horse.
I was in my seat early and when Lucinda wandered on stage, I decided to record her set.
She was really good ! There was hardly anyone in the audience, (too bad, they missed a great set)
so the recording came out pretty good, but as always, your mileage may vary.
Recording in this venue is rough, the sound is not always that great.
She kept saying how great it was to be on tour with Neil and how nice a crowd we were.
I thought she was a gracious artist who was happy to be sharing her art.
Anyway, a nice little opening set from Lucinda for my fourth torrent.
If anyone makes artwork, please post it...just never got around to making art for this one.
all my best,
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: