Lucinda Williams
Muziekgebouw Frits Philips, Rabobankzaal
Eindhoven, Netherlands
31st May 2013
Source: 2xDPA4061-> CA9100 (custom made for DPA4061)-> Sony Sony M10 [24bit/48kHz]
A Dutchbird production: recording, editing & covers.
Pics made by Daniel Phifer, used with permission.
The venue is a formal concert hall with great acoustics. I managed to record from the sweet spot (15th row middle, FOB).
I'm pleased with the result and as I strongly believe in less is more and don't want to spoil a good recording by editing,
I left it practically as it came. I only applied bass roll-off and adjusted volumes.
The show was announced as "an intimate eveneing with Lucinda Williams". It would be just Lucinda and Doug. With that in mind the choice of venue was not strange. At the last moment Lucinda added David Sutton. I assume Butch had prior obligations. Obviously with this trio it was not an intimate evening anymore, but a rockin' show. No complaints from my side!
The concert hall has a large distance between the stage and the audience, something Lucinda didn't like.
The audience was well-behaved, perhaps a bit too well-behaved for this occasion, being the typical listeners of the singer-songwriter type of show. Lucida remarked several times " you are all so quiet". However it didn't prevent her from giving it all, but for the encores she invited the audience to move from their seats to the stage.
Tomorrow I'll see her again at the Amsterdam Paradiso. The acoustics are not as good as in Eidhoven, but the atmosphere compensates for that. The Paradiso and it's audience will fit her like a glove.
It was the first time my daughter accompanied me to a show and I must say she had a great time to see her crazy mother in action. We arrived early by train. We had luck, it was one of the few sunny days we've been having this season (I can't even call it spring or summer, what's how bad it has been). Terraces were full and we had difficulty finding a few seats.
We enjoyed the sun. Before the show we had a nice meal at a sushi restaurant.
We went to the venue early to claim my favourite seats.
The show opened with the local singer-songwriter Man From The Sound. As I has not expected that plus the fact that Lucinda's show was much longer than I had imagined it to be I was afraid we'd miss the last train to Amsterdam (Ray Wylie Hubbard fans will like this). Luckily we still caught a train, but we had to go to a different station than the one we left from earlier that day. From that station we were able to get on a bus that brought us 20 minutes walking from our house. At 01:30 am we were finally home!
Lucinda Williams- vocals, acoustic guitar, electric guitar (Trussard)
Doug Pettibone- electric guitars, pedal steel, harmonica, backing vocals
David Sutton- bass, backing vocals
Disc One [56:47]
1. Side Of The Road [Lucinda & Doug]
2. Car Wheels On A Gravel Road
3. Pineola
4. Crescent City
5. Something Abut What Happens When We Talk
6. Stowaway In Your Heart <new song>
7. Song intro
8. When I Look At The World <new song>
9. Song intro
10. Copenhagen
11. Concrete And Barbed Wire <take one>
12. Concrete And Barbed Wire
13. I Lost It
14. Drunken Angel
15. Song intro
16. Something Wicked this Way Comes <new song>
Disc Two [51:54]
1. Song intro
2. Come On
3. Song intro
4. Hard Time Killing Floor Blues <Skip James>
5. Essence
6. Changed The Locks
7. Honey Bee
8. Joy
9. Crowd-> banter
10. River Man <Nick Drake>
11. Blessed
12. Crowd-> banter
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: