Lucinda Williams w/ Stuart Mathis
Naked Song Festival
Muziekgebouw Eindhoven (large hall)
Eindhoven, Netherlands
25th June 2016
Source: Zoom H4 w/internal mics [16bit/44.1kHz]
Recorded by klandvreugd; edited by scdegraaf
Setlist [01:13:02]
1. Can't Let Go
2. I Just Want To See You So Bad
3. West Memphis
4. I Lost It
5. Can't Close The Door On Love
6. The Ghosts Of Highway 20 [Lu solo]
7. When I Look At The World [Lu solo]
8. Lake Charles
9. Drunken Angel
10. Bitter Memory
11. Essence
12. Those Three Days
13. Changed The Locks
14. Magnolia <J.J> Cale>
15. Crowd
16. Passionate Kisses
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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