Lucinda Williams
De La Warr Pavilion
Bexhill, Sx
4 September 2017

SP-CMC-8 (AT853cards) > CA9100 > Edirol R-09 > usb > Cool Edit Pro 2
> CD Wave > TLH > Flac
Recorded, transferred, tracked etc by: bluesmick

1. Intro
2. Blessed
3. Drunken Angel
4. Pineola // (faded out)
about 30 mins missing
5. talk about growing up etc
6. Lake Charles
7. talk about early releases etc
8. Something About What Happens When We Talk
9. Jackson
10. Sweet Old World
11. Bitter Memory
12. Steal Your Love
13. audience, band intros,//audience
about 17 minutes missing
14. You Gotta Move
15. > Joy
16. > Get Right With God
17. audience, Lu talks, outro

Ok - so it was a bad day at the office! Somehow I managed to make a balls up - had to happen sometime!
Having seemingly cured dropping a channel randomly, my cover on the red record light managed to melt after
about six years. And it had to be this night. So it paused after about eleven minutes, and further on it
stopped, and played the opening set so that when I glanced in my bag the levels were still bouncing so I thought all was ok - lost about 17 minutes.
So what we have is about 63 minutes of Lucinda and band in what I think is a rather good recording - which makes it even more galling!
Of course I have omitted a small section that I did manage to record of me swearing profusely! I don't recall seeing Blessed, Something About, Jackson,
or You Gotta Move on any other uploads from this year, so at least something positive!