Lucinda Williams
Technikum, München, Germany
Source: Audience Zoom H4n Recording
Recorded by: Jofisch
Lineage: OKM 2 mics(A3) > Zoom H4n (16/44,1) >
Audacity (eqalized: bass reduction >250 dB) > Flac 8
Geat concert with 700+ standing people in munichs Technikum. I stood second row at the stage under the left speaker near drums, which you can cleary hear and see from the few pictures (I had to equilize my recording).
Lucinda still wasn't able to play guitar after her stroke, but has a stong voice and lot of energy on stage. So her former guitarist Doug Pettibone was on board. Buick 6 is a real strong band.
Lucinda apologized for all the sad songs she had wrote about people who died in meantime. She dedicated her song "joy" to Jeff Beck and ended with a great "Rocking in the free world" (Neil Young cover). Enjoy.
Lucinda Williams - Lead vocals
Stuart Mathis - Guitar, vocals
David Sutton - Bass Guitar, vocals
Butch Norton - Drums, vocals
Doug Pettibone - Guitar, pedal steel
CD 1
01. It's Over
02. Real Live Bleeding Fingers And Broken Guitar Strings
03. Stolen Moments
04. Pineola
05. Drunken Angel
06. Lake Charles
07. Fruits Of My Labour
08. - Lu talking -
09. Big Black Train
10. Are You Down
11. - Band Introduction -
CD 2
12. Let's Get The Band Back Together
13. You Can't Rule Me
14. Out Of Touch
15. Changed The Locks
16. Essence
17. Honey Bee
18. Righteously
19. - Encore Break
20. Joy (dedicated to Jeff Beck)
21. Rocking In The Free World
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Images for this show:
LucindaWilliams2023-01-13TechnikumMunchenGermany (7).jpg
LucindaWilliams2023-01-13TechnikumMunchenGermany (8).jpg
LucindaWilliams2023-01-13TechnikumMunchenGermany (9).jpg