Lucky Peterson & Lance Lopez
Terra Blues
New York City
December 3rd, 2009'
Recorded & transferred by Bob Pitlak
Source: Zoom H-4>Wav>usb>pc>cd wav>traders little helper>flac
16 bit
* This was written right after the show *
Incomplete recording, only 1st & 3rd set recorded, i think my
recorder took a break for some reason, very unusual.
This was a very unusual night of music as Lucky Peterson shares
the spotlight with Lance Lopez throughout the show.Being my first
time seeing Lucky Peterson play with Lance Lopez i thought i was
in for a real treat.
Lucky seemed to be in a very spontaneous,loose mood letting Lance
steal most of the spotlight, although there was times when Lucky
really thrilled the audience by walking through the crowd playing
and singing, getting up on the bar and then going outside for a bit.
As far as the performance goes, Lance does a couple of his own songs
and some covers while Lucky plays key's, but when Lucky takes over
and does his thing he get's going doing a couple of long jams and
This is probably a typical night from Lucky Peterson and all Lucky's
fan's should really enjoy this show, Lance Lopez fans equally.
Nice audience recording & performance
The Band:
Lucky Peterson: Guitar/Key's/Vocal's
Lance Lopez: Guitar/Vocal's
Mike Nuno: Bass
Mike Napi: Drums
Ritchie Rich: trumpet
Disc 1-1st Set ( 57:20 ) Minutes
01:Come Back Home
02:Driving A Cadillac/Jam
03:Sky Is Cryin
05:Mustang Sally
Disc 2-3rd Set ( 47:59 ) Minutes
01: My Good Thang
02: Heart Fixin' Business
03: Unknown
04: Sweet Home Chicago
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