Luther ALLISON French Broadcasts vol 7, the Patrick VERBECKE sessions, Paris 1993-1996 FM masters,FLAC
Patrick VERBECKE is a french guitarist making his own crusade for the blues.
He's doing records and concerts (during one of his tours he visited schools to learn something about the blues to young french kids) and he also had blues shows, mainly on Europe 1 radio station (playin' blues live, solo or with guests, telling blues stories and playing blues records).He had Luther as guest in his shows several times.
As the music of this volume comes from these sources, this is a very special one : most of the time, the numbers are duets featuring Luther and Patrick (Luther plays acoustic or electric, see details below).
Hope you'll like it, it's quite unheard and surely rare !
01 44 blues
02 Emilie
03 How many more years
04 Good morning blues
05 Happy new year blues
06 Big city
07 Move from the hood
08 Nobody but you
09 All the kings horses
10 Big city
11 You're the one
12 who's loving you tonight ?
13 You're the one
14 Living in the house of the blues
15 Le blues te fait du bien (blues makes you feel good)
01-05: Europe 1 FM Christmas show 1993 december 23, Luther and Patrick on acoustic.
A tune from this jam (Nobody but you) was published on the "Pay it forward" album on Ruf records (not posted).
06-09: Europe 1 FM 1995 september 23, Luther and Patrick on acoustic.
10: Europe 1 FM Christmas show 1995 december 23, Luther and Patrick on acoustic plus Steve Verbecke on harp.
11: France Inter FM, Pollen show, 1996 december 6, Luther and Patrick on acoustic.
12: same as 12, with Patrick's band, Luther plays electric.
13-15: Europe 1 FM probably 1996 (broadcasted in 1997 after Luther's death), Luther on electric, Patrick on acoustic.
Cassettes played on a SD 4051 Marantz deck; zoom H4 for wave files; PC; audacity for volume and tracking; FLAC.
As usually, samples in comments.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: