Luther ALLISON French Broadcasts vol 9, 1995-1996 FM masters,FLAC
Hello friends,
When i started this work , i wanted to share my various recordings not seen on the tracker.
With this vol 9, this job is now complete.
I want to thank everybody for kind comments and express my strong gratitude to Malbie who made
such great artworks for all of us.
I apologize for the faded tunes, but i simply wanted to upload ALL i had.
I think someday i'll start a BB KING series the same way.
Hope you'll enjoy this last one based on a 1995 "Pollen " show and Antibes 1996 july 21.
01 Bad love
02 Cherry red wine (with Bernard Allison)
03 Move from the hood (with Bernard Allison)
04 Serious
05 Give me back my wig
06 All the king's horses
07 Put your money where your mouth is
08 You don't know
09 Cherry red wine
10 Move from the hood
11 A BB king tune (a faded out jam with BB king)
12 Instrumental (a faded out jam with BB king and Gary Moore)
01-03: "Pollen" France Inter FM 1995 may 10.
04: From a "Pollen" show, possibly same as above, broadcasted as a tribute in 1997.
05-12: France Inter FM from Antibes festival 1996 july 21.
Total time: about 90 mns.
In Antibes the band was Luther Allison with:
Michel Carras, keyboards
Davyd Johnson, tenor sax
Soulaimane Hakim, alto sax
Fran�ois Camuzeaux, bass
Zak Prathers, drums
Cassettes played on a SD 4051 Marantz deck; zoom H4 for wave files; PC; audacity for volume and tracking; FLAC.
Samples in comments.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: