Sunday September 9th, 2007
Belmont Country Club
Ashburn, Virginia
LINEAGE: Core Sound Binaural Mics (Dead Center, 40 ft. From Stage, Mics On Either Side Of Hat) > CS Battery Box (Bass Roll-Off Filter Switched Off) > Church Audio STC-9000 Preamp > Edirol R-09 (Line-In @ 24 Bit/48kHz) > USB > Soundforge 8.0 (Gain Adjustment/Fades/Light EQ, Then Resampled To 16 Bit/44.1kHz) & Wave SE II (Tracking) > Flac
TOTAL TIME - 87:09
DISC 1 - 45:16
1. Travelin' Man
2. Workin'
3. What's Your Name
4. That Smell
5. Simple Man
6. Down South Jukin'
7. The Needle And The Spoon
9. The Ballad Of Curtis Lowe
9. Gimme Me Back My Bullets
10. Tuesday's Gone
DISC 2 - 41:53
1. Red, White And Blue
2. Gimme Me Three Steps
3. Call Me The Breeze
4. Sweet Home Alabama
5. Free Bird
The venue is basically a large mobile stage in the middle of a big open field. When I record taper friendly bands at this venue I use cardioid mics aimed at the PA stacks, but I had to be as stealthy as possible for this show. I decided to use my trusty CSB Omni Mics mounted on either side of my hat right above my ears. Being right in the sweet spot really helps this recording and makes for decent stereo separation despite using the onmi mics. The recording is naturally "bassy", just as it sounded live, but not "boomy". I left it that way, with only a very light EQ boost done above 8500k.
R.I.P. Hughie Thomasson (1952 - Sept. 9, 2007), one of the original members of the Outlaws and also a one-time member of Lynryd Skynyrd, who passed away the night of this show unexpectedly of an apparent heart attack at his home in Brooksville, Florida. He wrote most of the Outlaws greatest songs including: "There Goes Another Love Song", "Hurry Sundown", and the southern rock classic, "Green Grass & High Tides". He will be truly missed. Fly on Free Bird.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: