Leverkusen (Germany)
Forum Leverkusen
19.Leverkusener Jazztage
juhab1 master
aiwa cm30> sony d6
unknown transfer to cdr
(2017:cdr>EAC> wav>
[split MDK to make the TV snippet fit in.
some level corrections on the aud part]
> flac)
01 hhai
02 k�hntark�sz
01 MDK p1
02 MDK p2
03 -encore-
04 kobaia*
05 MDK p2 (SBD) sourced from TV-bc (German 3.Sat) >VHS > LPCM
(to complete >last 40 sec added from aud rec)
if you wish you can (almost seamless) replace the MDK p2 from the aud-rec with MDK p2 of the LPCM
* 1st gen copy as encore was missing on master (the story is too funny about it)
a juhab1 recording - a hanwaker mastering and upload to dime 2017-02