please note the 2001 official released "Theusz Hamtaahk" was recorded at the 13th and 14th of May 2000
..nothing from the 12th was used at all for the 3 cd set
MDK on the official is from the 14th
juhab1 and me attend both the 13th and the 14th ( needless to say we recorded )
..if we ever figure out the dates for the remaining tracks
.. i might upload the not used tracks for a THEUSZ HAAMTAHK {alterna version}
may 12th 2000
Paris (france)
aud-master recording
taped by T.L. with vivanco EM 216 and sony D7
transfer from dat in 2000> cdr
2017 cdr>EAC>WAV
(fixed channels/ lowered applause /raised overall volume)>FLAC
01 -omitted interview-
02 drum solo by Fabien Dechaumont [12 ans] (6:08)
03 theusz hamtaahk
01 /wurdah itah ( missing ~ 12 secs@ start )
02 MDK
04 hhai
Christian & Stella Vander (Chant, percussions, 2nd clavier), James Mac Gaw (Guitare, chant, 2nd clavier),
Philippe Bussonnet, Emmanuel Borghi, Isabelle Feuillebois, Antoine Paganotti (Chant, batterie, 2nd clavier),
Jean-Christophe Gamet, Invit�s au Trianon : Fabien Dechaumont (Batterie sur l'intro du concert),
Julie Vander (Chant sur "Wurdah Itah"), Claude Lamamy (Chant sur "Wurdah Itah"),
Beno�t Gaudiche (Trompette sur "MDK"), Yannick Neveu (Trompette sur "MDK"),
Fred Burgazzi (Trombone sur "MDK"), Ronan Simon (Trombone sur "MDK")
upload to dime by hanwaker 2017-03
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