contrast clause ( though this recording has left the tracker some 10 years ago)
a different recording was once on dime with this info:
Magma - Karlsruhe,Substage 03.05.2002
master tape>CDR(Philips CDR 570)>wave(EAC)>flacf(8)
very good audience tape ,great performance. I have no
idea about the names of the band members,perhaps someone
could help.For quality listen to MP 3 samples.
taped by Freddy Krueger,the grandfather of Magma Tsunami
Vol.0ne and although the last vol.
upped by booomboom ,Friday the 13.07.2007
Karlsruhe (germany)
substage (old location)
hanwaker aud master
aiwa cm30> sony d7
unkown transfer to cdr in 2002
2017:cdr>eac>wav->raised volume /lowered applause-> flac
01 intro
02 k�hntark�sz
03 KA
01 MDK (extrait)
02 ballade slave
upload to dime by hanwaker 2017-04
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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