Nancy (France)
Chapiteau du Parc de La P?pini?re
Nancy Jazz Pulsations
Soir?e "De Coltrane ? Magma",
Les 30 ans des NJP
a hanwaker audience master
sony d8 > aiwa-cm30 > unknown transfer to cdr >EAC
[2017> wav > lowered applause , fixed channel levels, removed near hand clappers]
01 K.A
02 De Futura
03 M.D.K.
(pas de rappel, le concert se terminant vers 2h30 du matin apr?s environ 4h de spectacle).
( no encore as the show finished at 2.30 in the morning after more than 4 hours of music)
Magma : Christian & Stella Vander, Isabelle Feuillebois, Antoine Paganotti, Himiko Paganotti, Emmanuel Borghi, Fr?d?ric D'Oelsnitz, James Mac Gaw, Philippe Bussonnet
+ Invit?s : Didier Lockwood, Klaus Blasquiz, Bernard Paganotti, Fred Burgazzi (Trombone sur MDK), Beno?t Gaudiche (Trompette sur MDK), Yannick Neveu (Trompette sur MDK), Ronan Simon (Trombone sur MDK), Julie Vander (chant sur MDK), Claude Lamamy (chant sur MDK)
a hanwaker upload to dime 2017-05
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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