Magma 21 September 2016 Edinburgh
01. Theusz Hamtaahk (36:35)
02. Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh (43:02)
03. Zombies (10:50)
total time 90:26
the current lineup:
Christian Vander : drums, vocals
Stella Vander : vocals, percs
Isabelle Feuillebois : vocals, percs
Hervé Aknin : vocals
Jérôme Martineau: Fender Rhodes
Benoit Alziary : vibraphone
Jim Grandcamp: guitar
Philippe Bussonnet : bass
A truly impassioned performance from everyone, but specially Bussonnet - he really was fantastic. Here’s hoping James Mac Gaw will be well enough to return before long (although Grandcamp shows great promise). Big thanks to Andrew Naylor & Sergio Pisfil for bringing Magma back to Scotland in a very nice, small venue.
Lineage: recorded from the 4th row of the audience, seated somewhat to stage right.
Sony ECM-CS3 stereo tieclip mic > Zoom H1 Recorder > Audacity (track splits, increased levels) > FLAC files > Vuze > torrent uploaded to Dime.
My first dime upload (first hopefully, of many more to come) - a happy lurker however, for many years.
checksum created with checkSum+ 1.5.3 (for MacOS)
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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