Theaterhaus T2, Stuttgart, Germany
October - 17 - 2016
Source 1
Master audience recording.
Recording equipment: Plextalk PTP1 + Sony ECM 939 - LT Microphone
Source 2
Recording equipment: IPhone 5s with + Zoom IQ6 Microphone
I was sitting next to MILAVALENTI during the show (in the middle of rank 10 (of 15)).
Approx. 300 people were attending.
Process Info:
Recorder to PC -> wav-file 44,1/16
IPhone to PC -> flac-file 48/16
both files -> Magix Music Cleaning Lab (Matrix/edit/remaster) -> FLAC (44,1 kHz, 16 Bit, Stereo) -> DIME
My recording unfortunately is distorted due to too high input level at the mike and the fact that the sound level of the concert was very high (a guy in front of me had his fingers in his ears from the middle of the concert).
MILAVALENTI's recording is very clear but a bit thin at the bass side.
As I couldn't use my recording as a whole I tried it with the bass frequencies only and luckily it works very well as there are almost not distortions audible at these frequencies. The resulting Matrix is now very balanced over the whole frequency spectrum.
I think I don't need to say too much about the concert as it seems that at the other venues where they played it was more or less the same magic created by the band. Obviously MILAVALENTI and me were the only ones recording this show.
Attached are some photos and a copy of the poster of the show I found in the web.
Setlist (tape length 95:01 min.)
01 audience
02 Theusz Hamtaahk
03 Mekan�k Destrukt�w Kommand�h
04 Stella Vander talking + band introduction
05 Zombies
the band:
Christian Vander - Drums
Stella Vander - Vocals, Percussion, (electronic effects by IPad)
Isabelle Feuillebois - Vocals
Herv� Aknin - Vocals
J�r�me Martineau-Ricotti - Keyboards
Beno�t Alziary - Vibraphone
Rudy Blas - Guitar
Philippe Bussonet - Bass
Support the artists, go to their shows, buy their albums.
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use. Don't ever sell!
Uploaded to DIME by Stacheleber 2016/10/20
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
Magma2016-10-17TheaterhausT2StuttgartGermany (6).jpg
Magma2016-10-17TheaterhausT2StuttgartGermany (7).jpg
Magma2016-10-17TheaterhausT2StuttgartGermany (8).jpg
Magma2016-10-17TheaterhausT2StuttgartGermany (9).jpg