et le
Metalik Orkestraah
Paris (France)
a audience recording matrix of
source 1: loveboatcpt
@ Floor, Row 16, seat 13 (almost far left from centre)
part 1 Lineage: ZOOM H2 internals>wav
part 2 Lineage: Yamaha Pocketrak W24 internals > wav
source 2: juhab1
using aiwa cm-ds6 > zoom h2 @ the sweet spot behind the sbd
matrixed by hanwaker
the first 2 sec are source one zoom only ( and are EQ-ed to match the further matrix sound)
source 2 misses about 1:20 mins at the start [this has been patched with source 1 yamaha (heavy EQ to match)]
2 hrs 20 mins 22 secs
sans le Metalik Orkestraah
01 K�hntark�sz Pt 1 (Intro)-->
02 Koba�a
03 Theusz Hamtaahk
avec le Metalik Orkestraah
01 �m�hnt�htt-R� *
02 [Audience - Vander - Talking]
03 �lag Tanz
04 [Audience]
05 Kre�hn K�hrmahn Iss de H�ndin(Zeuhl Wortz)
06 [encore break - Vander]
07 Ehn De�ss
* w/D Lockwood
a taping and mixing co-op of tom, loveboatcpt, juhab1 and hanwaker
upload to dime by hanwaker 2017-02
First of all thanks to the tapers who did a"job" while others can download the fruits fo their labour!
All sources had their hick-ups ( missed starts,inappropiate levels, near hand clappers, folks who try to sit on equipment,mic rumblings... and not too many talkers) but i could iron out most of them..there are some patchy starts but a minute into a set you get what the zeuhl doctor has prescribed.
juhab notes that band was more on fire ( if that is possible if you are called magma ) for the first night.. but he states the mix for the orchestra was plainly better for the second night ( and you can hear that on the recordings)
Didier Lockwood appeared three times during the 2 nights. First night he has 2 spots during E_R ( of course during the Hhai portion and in the Zomies section)
The second night only saw him for the Hhai violin solo
There are more masters out i assume but for matrixing the bass heavy recordings i used served the purpose.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: