et l'Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte-Carlo
Opera Garnier
Monte-Carlo (Monaco)
aud-matrix recording using 2 master sources
1) ZoomH2n - aiwa DS5 (juhab) 16-44 ( left side front 4th row )
2) ZoomH2n - Church audio mic preamp CA-9100 + CAFS Mic (anony) 24-48 (in the middle of the location)
matrixed @ 48 but downsampled to 16--44
Duration :
01 -intro: Stella speaks -
02 Zess (P1)
03 Tilim M'Dohm
04 I must return
05 -band intro-
06 K.A. (P1)
07 Hakëhn Deïss
08 -enter: Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte-Carlo -
09 Ehn Deïss
10 Ëmëhntëhtt-Rê
11 encore :
12 The Night we Died
13 outro
-- a folder with juhab1's pics is enclosed
-- (a cd cover as well .. pics used from another source)
a anony/ juhab/ hanwaker co-op
hanwaker mastering and upload to dime 2022-11
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
Magma2022-11-27etlOrchestrePhilharmoniqueDeMonteCarloMonaco (4).JPG
Magma2022-11-27etlOrchestrePhilharmoniqueDeMonteCarloMonaco (5).JPG
Magma2022-11-27etlOrchestrePhilharmoniqueDeMonteCarloMonaco (6).JPG
Magma2022-11-27etlOrchestrePhilharmoniqueDeMonteCarloMonaco (7).JPG
Magma2022-11-27etlOrchestrePhilharmoniqueDeMonteCarloMonaco (8).JPG
Magma2022-11-27etlOrchestrePhilharmoniqueDeMonteCarloMonaco (9).JPG